Tuesday 6 December 2016

Worst PR Campaign ever by Bud Light


Bud Lights recent campaign was one of he worst ever as it promoted drinking it to get rid of inhibitions and to not say "no", this is a very dangerous and ridiculous tagline to have for their beer. It's an awful thing to promote for their beer to not say "no" for the night this is insinuating that you should get people so drunk they cant say no! The tagline #upforwhatever was on all of Buds adverts and printed on hundreds of the Bud Light beer bottles. We don't know how a campaign like this was approved but Bud Light gained a huge amount of backlash on social media when it was released.Bud finally realized it was inappropriate and stopped the adverts and the beer bottles from being produced.


Sunday 4 December 2016

John Lewis Christmas Pr campaign

John Lewis Christmas 2015 campaign!

Pr campaigns at Christmas time are vital to get people to spend during this festive time so having the right pr campaign is key. John Lewis is one of the big retailers who are known for having creative and innovative campaigns and in 2015 they did yet again come up with a great campaign for Christmas.
When people see the new John Lewis advert it starts off the festive season and people have high expectations for the company each year.
There is evidence of this due to it going viral in the UK before it was even launch then it went worldwide at number one within 2 hours of it being released.
There 2 minute advert was about a little girl becoming friends with a lonely man on the moon and the public loved it and were talking about it throughout the months of November and December.It received 24 million views on YouTube Every year the public now anticipates for John Lewis's adverts as it starts everyone's Christmas!

Reference: http://www.prweek.com/article/1379598/2015-christmas-campaigns-winners-losers

Saturday 3 December 2016

Cadbury's Gorilla campaign

Cadbury's Gorilla campaign

How Burger King beat McDonalds with a effective Pr campaign

How Burger King beat McDonald's with a brilliant pr campaign

Burger king created one of the best pr campaigns ever !

Burger king wanted to work with Mc Donald's for world peace day and collaborate their "whopper" burger with  Mc Donald's "big mac", They wanted to make a pop up restaurant half way between their headquarters and Mc Donald's headquarters which would be in Atlanta. Burger king wanted to promote world peace day and planned their idea and created all the marketing material down to the small details and Mc Donalds declined their offer. 
Burger Kings plan for this the whole time was to make them selves look good which they succeeded to do because if Mc Donalds accepted the offer Burger King would look good for promoting world peace day and if Mc Donalds declined Burger King looks really good in the situation and Mc Donalds looks bad and uncaring and that they only care about money, either way Burger King comes out strong. It's a win win situation for them.What a Campaign !!

Burger King released this video on the morning of August 26, 2015


Wednesday 30 November 2016

Brilliant PR stunt done by Sky atlantic

Sky Atlantic's PR stunt for their new Tv series "Fortitude". 

Sky Atlantic placed a huge Polar bear into the streets of London  to create excitement and to create a intriguing spectacle for their new tv series Fortitude that is a arctic crime drama.

Sky wanted to creating a talking put for their new drama and wanted people to talk about in on social media.

Just 48 hours before the launch of fortitude the 8 ft long polar bear was released into the streets.
The bear was seen in various locations of London like tube stations, bridges and at tourist spots. The bear was made by Sky Atlantic's special effects team to make it look extremely realistic.
The bear moved by two people inside operating it from the inside  by using hidden cameras to see the two people controlling it worked on war horse and studied the movement of polar bears to make its movement look as real as possible.
The Polar bear gained a huge fan base on social media creating 47 million impressions on Twitter. The first episode of the drama had 700,000 views.



Tuesday 29 November 2016

Interactive magazine cover lets you remove make up from it

Interactive magazine cover 

CARAS magazine creates interactive cover which lets you remove make up from it for its new campaign. They wanted o make an unusual campaign for their readers, the magazine is known for giving wipes and make-up with the magazine but wanted to try something different,
The cover of the magazine had model Giovanna Ewbank in full make up which the reader could rub off using the wipes free with the magazine. The issue included an invitation from Neutrogena for readers to do so, allowing them to try-out the product in a creative way. This campaign made a fun interactive way to entertain their readers.Our goal was to help and incentivize women about routine skincare”, according to Juliana Sztrajtman, Beauty, Baby and Suncare brand manager from  Johnson & Johnson Brasil, which owns Neutrogena.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

What makes share a Coke campaign so special

Coca-Cola is a multinational drink company that is one of the largest multinationals in the world and has one of the most successful marketing campaign and brand. In 2015 Coke released its "share a coke" campaign, it was the best-performing marketing campaigns in Coca-Cola's history. This campaign encouraged customers to buy a bottle of coke with their name on or buy one for their friend. 
This campaign connected with customers on a personal level creating loyal customers for coke.

Coke started the hastag #shareacoke
for it's customers to share pictures online of themselves with their bottles of coke, the success of the campaign online was huge with over 500,000 photos shared with the hashtag #shareacoke. Coke gained nearly 25 million more followers on Facebook due to the campaign.


Monday 21 November 2016

KFC campaign for "Finger licking good"

KFC decided to do one of the strangest PR campaigns ever by releasing an edible nail polish that was chicken flavour. There were two flavours to chose from original or hot and spicy, This bizarre campaign went worldwide and got the attention of its customer base.

The campaign was made to make KFC more exciting and fun and its extremely intriguing.This product was not just a joke KFC really made this product but it did not mass produce it, Because i'm not sure a lot of customers would want to buy something to make their fingers taste of chicken!!
This PR campaign was definitely crazy but it worked becuase everyone was talking about KFC.

They even made a music video for the Nail polish in Hong Kong which I put in below.

KFC isn’t a stranger to high-profile PR stunts, with previous marketing campaigns including a ‘chicken corsage’ and making its logo visible from space.


Tuesday 8 November 2016

Instagram in the world of PR

How Instagram works in PR

Instagram is known for its quick and extremely easy use, All you need to do is take a photo and post it, because of it's easy use it means everyone uses it daily and loves it and can evem find your PR campaign or client easily.
When a pr practitioner posts a picture about their client on Instagram it is much easier for people to visualize, understand and remember than a written post about their client "A picture speaks a thousand words".
The main idea of Instagram is to offer interesting photos and accounts The biggest benefit for PR practitioners here is that they get a ready made source of influencer's to investigate. Some of the most successful Instagram campaigns have capitalized on this aspect.

PR Practitioners uses visuals to promote events before and after they happen and to build connections with followers.
It's a way of making follows excited for your next post.

Your followers can just double tap on your picture and its liked, it's as easy as that for you as a PR person to find out how many people like your client or event.


How to make a Social media campaign in Pr

Social media campaign tricks!

Pr Practitioners can make a huge difference to their campaign by using social media optimally,Social media is a powerful tool to have in their pocket because if used it can make be hugely beneficial.Running a social media campaign is not easy as it need a lot of  planning and a good strategy.
Few tips to start a Social media campaign:
  •  Plan Plan Plan Plan 
  • Makes goals to reach
  • Pick the right platform for your campaign
  • Chose an app that's free so your audience can easily access your pr campaign
  • Advertise your campaign on low cost Facebook ads
  • Do follow up with your new contacts post the conclusion of the campaign to build a long-lasting relationship with them. You can reach out to them with monthly updates, newsletters or mass emails.Refrain from reacting to negative comments with aggression. Remember, it is impossible to keep everyone happy.

Social media is an amazing tool to use if you are able to use it right.The tips is found are simple easy tips for anyone who wants to make a social media campaign.


Sunday 6 November 2016

The Evolution of Social Media

The Evolution of Social media

Social media started in the 1970's which started with BBS (Bullet board system) this was the first platform which made it possible to log into a site for interaction, then came a site called compuserve in 1980 which was the first chat room site.
Social media then moved onto its golden era of the real movement of innovation in Social media it started in 2001 at the time there was several chat room platforms like ICQ and even one of the first blog platforms Livejournal. There was also a stream of social innovation which started the online encyclopedia Wikipedia and was followed by Friendster, Myspace and then Facebook in 2004 and Twitter in 2006, Facebook and twitter are still the top social media platforms of today.


Thursday 3 November 2016

How PR Practitioners use Facebook

How PR Practitioners use Facebook

Social media has had a massive impact not only on people, but also on brands across industries as they make ideas and ways to engage their audiences and win their loyalty. 

Public relations (PR) is no different as professionals constantly seek to communicate with and hear from customers, who are on  social media often.
Most PR people have made it a big part of their job to offer social media services.

Wherever you go in the country or the world people are on Facebook using it on a Daily basis and are even addicted to it and can't get away from it. I know myself even if I don't want to be on Facebook I still have to check it hundreds of times a day it's something you just can't avoid these days.
 Facebook engages you through pictures, videos and links. In order to succeed on Facebook, you will need to become a conversational brand. It's the only way to build a good relationship with your audience if you succeed then your audience can follow your page, like your posts and receive updates daily.Additionally, Facebook’s ‘Donate’ button, Music Stories and Facebook Professional Services are other features that can be helpful to PR professionals.


How social media can impact Business

How social media can impact Business 

Social media use is growing at a fast pace and more and more businesses use social media In there businesses, but how much of an impact does social media have on a business and how much power does it hold on the business of marketing.Social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin represent a huge opportunity for businesses to grab the attention of customers while building a brand image.

Social media sites provide the perfect opportunity to take advantage of "word of mouth" to see it spread, Social media is growing at the fastest rate ever people are more connected globally than ever before.People casually participate in each others lives through online observation something as easy as "liking " a brand picture of video on Facebook or Twitter can spread virally fast on social media platforms.

Old Media vs New Media

Old Media vs New Media

Old media has been used in the advertising and marketing world for many years in such things like the newspaper,Television, radio and magazines.These forms of communication have been the only way for businesses to communicate with there consumers and other companies for years, these forms of media were the most used means of advertising on a daily basis but even though old media is effective for businesses we now see how companies use new media to reach there audiences.

New Media is the future of marketing.Businesses rely on new media for there company to find information easily. New media is content that is easily accessible and found in many different forms. New Media marketing is such things like social media advertising,online streaming and advertising on apps on phones.All of these forms of media platforms make it possible for businesses to reach their consumers and other companies with ease.
Old media (print, radio and TV) are becoming second-tier commodities in favor of new and “improved” ways of consuming the news such as social platforms, blogs and apps.

 Sites like BuzzFeed have mastered the platform-specific approach to media, and the onset of brand journalism has completely changed what it takes for us to “trust” a source.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

The Good and the Bad-Social media

The Good and the Bad

Social Media has good and bad qualities and in my blog I am going to highlight the best and worst traits to social media.Social media has become not only a part of modern lifestyle but a useful marketing channel for businesses of all sizes


Social media has given us a platform where we can access information easily and immediately when we want it,Twitter gives us immediate updates on big events,news and world disasters "Back when the government raided Osama Bin Laden’s fortress there was a nearby citizen live tweeting his observations of the whole situation through the night. I was out at an event that evening, and learned of it pretty soon after news broke domestically, directly from my contacts on Twitter"(Tommy Lanndry)This shows how fast and efficient social media is for us.

Today's world with social media in it has made it possible to communicate with people easily through
Facebook,Twitter and messenger, It's not like the old days when you would try to contact your friend by calling their phone, and if they didn't answer then you would have to try calling again when they were home or you would have to call to their house. Now we can contact friends and family from hundreds of different social media sites.

Social media has given small businesses to get their name out into the world like never before, small businesses can now spread their company's ideas and name on Twitter,Facebook, YouTube and many more social media platform's, Before a small business could not get there business known as quick as we can today and that has made a huge impact to the world of Business. 

Now it's time to talk about what I believe are the bad parts of social media


The worst part to social media is that people can be anonymous, Yes its good to be private and people not always knowing who you are but being anonymous online has created a platform of evil trolls who abuse people online and hide behind their screens.

In summary I love social media and believe it has become a huge part of our world for the Good!

reference: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/social-media-changed-us-good-bad-01000104#b0kdlQ365228erSh.97

Sunday 16 October 2016

How social media has changed the world we live in

Not only has social media changed the way we use Pr but it has changed the way we live today, Around the world billions of people use social media everyday we use it for work, entertainment, to communicate and even more it has become an essential in our lives. I cannot go anywhere without my phone anymore, I use it for everything like communicating with friends, looking at Facebook or Instagram or even using it to watch Netflix. Social media has made our lives easier we can easily find restaurants to go to near by, we know when buses will arrive at there stops and to talk to people from across the world, this is thanks to the use of social media. I believe that social media has changed our lives for the better it has connected people and helps people during natural disasters to find their loved ones through sites like Twitter or Facebook and it lets people at the disaster to spread the word of whats happening.

Sunday 9 October 2016

How PR Companies use Social media and how its changed the world of PR

Being a Media and Pr person myself I have found out a lot of ways that social media can be used in Pr,I have gathered 3 tips on what I believe is the best way Pr companies should use social media and how social media has changed the way we do Pr in today's world.Instead of company's waiting for the media to write a story they share their stories on social media to get publicity.

1. I believe the most helpful part of using social media in Pr is. Sharing stories of your company or client via social media which means that journalists can easily find the information as they use social media as one of their main platforms for creating stories.

2.Secondly its extremely important that when a huge news story breaks out about your company that you use social media  to comment on the news and to let your public's know whats happening live.

3.In a Pr crisis in your company social media is in my opinion one of the most important Pr tools to use because Social media makes it possible to defend your company and to tell your public's the truth about how the crisis really happened, how the company will fix it and to keep them updated as the crisis is happening it is important not to leave your public's in the dark about a crisis in your company you must tell them the whole truth.

In conclusion we now see that social media is a huge part of Pr in today's world, its now time to use the social media approach instead of the traditional ways of pr.

(Maggie Paterson,2014)