Tuesday 8 November 2016

Instagram in the world of PR

How Instagram works in PR

Instagram is known for its quick and extremely easy use, All you need to do is take a photo and post it, because of it's easy use it means everyone uses it daily and loves it and can evem find your PR campaign or client easily.
When a pr practitioner posts a picture about their client on Instagram it is much easier for people to visualize, understand and remember than a written post about their client "A picture speaks a thousand words".
The main idea of Instagram is to offer interesting photos and accounts The biggest benefit for PR practitioners here is that they get a ready made source of influencer's to investigate. Some of the most successful Instagram campaigns have capitalized on this aspect.

PR Practitioners uses visuals to promote events before and after they happen and to build connections with followers.
It's a way of making follows excited for your next post.

Your followers can just double tap on your picture and its liked, it's as easy as that for you as a PR person to find out how many people like your client or event.


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