Wednesday 26 October 2016

The Good and the Bad-Social media

The Good and the Bad

Social Media has good and bad qualities and in my blog I am going to highlight the best and worst traits to social media.Social media has become not only a part of modern lifestyle but a useful marketing channel for businesses of all sizes


Social media has given us a platform where we can access information easily and immediately when we want it,Twitter gives us immediate updates on big events,news and world disasters "Back when the government raided Osama Bin Laden’s fortress there was a nearby citizen live tweeting his observations of the whole situation through the night. I was out at an event that evening, and learned of it pretty soon after news broke domestically, directly from my contacts on Twitter"(Tommy Lanndry)This shows how fast and efficient social media is for us.

Today's world with social media in it has made it possible to communicate with people easily through
Facebook,Twitter and messenger, It's not like the old days when you would try to contact your friend by calling their phone, and if they didn't answer then you would have to try calling again when they were home or you would have to call to their house. Now we can contact friends and family from hundreds of different social media sites.

Social media has given small businesses to get their name out into the world like never before, small businesses can now spread their company's ideas and name on Twitter,Facebook, YouTube and many more social media platform's, Before a small business could not get there business known as quick as we can today and that has made a huge impact to the world of Business. 

Now it's time to talk about what I believe are the bad parts of social media


The worst part to social media is that people can be anonymous, Yes its good to be private and people not always knowing who you are but being anonymous online has created a platform of evil trolls who abuse people online and hide behind their screens.

In summary I love social media and believe it has become a huge part of our world for the Good!


Sunday 16 October 2016

How social media has changed the world we live in

Not only has social media changed the way we use Pr but it has changed the way we live today, Around the world billions of people use social media everyday we use it for work, entertainment, to communicate and even more it has become an essential in our lives. I cannot go anywhere without my phone anymore, I use it for everything like communicating with friends, looking at Facebook or Instagram or even using it to watch Netflix. Social media has made our lives easier we can easily find restaurants to go to near by, we know when buses will arrive at there stops and to talk to people from across the world, this is thanks to the use of social media. I believe that social media has changed our lives for the better it has connected people and helps people during natural disasters to find their loved ones through sites like Twitter or Facebook and it lets people at the disaster to spread the word of whats happening.

Sunday 9 October 2016

How PR Companies use Social media and how its changed the world of PR

Being a Media and Pr person myself I have found out a lot of ways that social media can be used in Pr,I have gathered 3 tips on what I believe is the best way Pr companies should use social media and how social media has changed the way we do Pr in today's world.Instead of company's waiting for the media to write a story they share their stories on social media to get publicity.

1. I believe the most helpful part of using social media in Pr is. Sharing stories of your company or client via social media which means that journalists can easily find the information as they use social media as one of their main platforms for creating stories.

2.Secondly its extremely important that when a huge news story breaks out about your company that you use social media  to comment on the news and to let your public's know whats happening live.

3.In a Pr crisis in your company social media is in my opinion one of the most important Pr tools to use because Social media makes it possible to defend your company and to tell your public's the truth about how the crisis really happened, how the company will fix it and to keep them updated as the crisis is happening it is important not to leave your public's in the dark about a crisis in your company you must tell them the whole truth.

In conclusion we now see that social media is a huge part of Pr in today's world, its now time to use the social media approach instead of the traditional ways of pr.

(Maggie Paterson,2014)